What To Expect

Any time you start something new, you may have all kinds of emotions. One of the main emotions you may feel is excitement. Thats exactly how I hope you feel. Over the next 31 days, you will be challenged to grow and get closer to God. Many times in our life, we hold ourselves back from moving forth because we are stuck in the past. We get stuck on what could or should have been/done.

Many of us have faced trauma in our life and have been stuck with the effects of trauma. Relationships have been torn apart; fears have developed; anger and resentment have been an issue; unforgiveness and rejection may have hunted you, and the list continues. But you must deal with these issues head-on. Yup, that's right, one day at a time. You will unravel your emotions, hurts, pain, and trauma daily.

This course was developed to help you overcome the enemy so you can walk in victory.


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